Monday 13 February 2012

6 Ways to help you memorize

More and more things in life and feeling heavy to cope with the memory burden?
Often forget where you last left your keys?
Or simply feeling wanting to memorize things better?

Here are 10 tricks I found in the internet that will help.

1: Break it down.

Most people have trouble remembering long list of things, so instead of remembering the whole chunk, break it down. For example, instead of remembering the whole phone number 0193888879, break it down to sections that are meaningful to you 019-3-4x8-79.

2: Use mental images.

Try to think of an image that link to the things that you're trying to remember. For example, to remember the name like Mr Jack Ford, I would imagine Ford car and Jack from Titanic the movie.

3: Write it down.

Write down the informations that you want to remember. The action of writing helps forming a visual image that helps with memory. Drawing works too.

4: Relate it to yourself

Try to make things that you're trying to remember relate to yourself. This I find at times the most effective for example, 5th July 1996, the first cloning of an animal by scientist was revealed by the Roslin Institute in Scotland when Dolly The Sheep was cloned from tissue taken from a 6 years old ewe's udder. That's also the birthday of my relative.

5: Repetition

This is a bit misleading. What I really meant was to always do the things you do the same way. For example, always parking your car at the same place or putting your keys or coat or the screwdriver the same place you always put. Look at better restaurant kitchen for example, all things in there are always put at the same place even to the order of salt, sugar or pepper. It makes working smoother too.

6: Use your senses

Ever hear a song and it reminds you of someone or some place or some time of your life? Smelling certain perfume remind you of someone? That's your senses working with your memory. Sometimes associating things you want to remember with certain song, sound, smell, touch or feel would be helpful.